Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Hols' passing too quickly

Hols is always zooming past, faster than the speed of light... forever so irritatin and saddening! Been working these days, driving around, reading but the desire to spend my hols in a more meaningful way keep gnawing at me... how do i better utilise my 24hrs i kept asking myself but soon it'll be nightfall and the whole vicious cycle begins again... But it's not all that bad, at least i managed to meet up with my close frens like Clara, Julia, Charlene and even attended my road race xmas dinner =] oh not to mentioned painting my Chemical and Environmental Engineering Students' Society room as well! and running, swimming and the endless search for tuition students...

For the rest of the hols, i just hope to meet up with more of my frens, lose weight and earn more money! I can't agree more with Julia when she says that frens and family always gotta come first and all the worldly things second... well, been doing tat cos i hardly ever buy new things during my shopping trips hahah...

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