Monday, February 15, 2010

Photos from CNY

Almost Killed my right hand

I also paralysed my right forearm during sleep this morning! My brain was giving up some kind of subtle signals, conjuring heart-racing type of nightmares. I dreamt that my sister and I were holidaying at this old house, where there are shuttle buses to her classes. But strange things came happening, like how the clothes will multiply and my blazers got dyed...*brr..* So when I gain consciousness, I realised I had my arm in an awkward position, one where my right arm is wrapped over my torso and underneath my left shoulder. As I freed my arm, I could feel the tingling sense of touch returning, the gush of blood through my fingers. I wonder how long have I slept that way and what if I woke up with a paralyzed right arm. Scary chinese new year second day morning...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

First day of Chinese new year

CNY is here already! So much have happened that I don't know where to start. Trying to stay up late for the longevity of my parents but I guess wrinkles will catch up earlier with me this way... =p
It's a welcome break for me from work anyway, cos it's been crazy.. staying in office till ten then going home to just check my mails and have to sleep and 11h later, back at office again. Well at least it's a fulfilling time for me =)

Having failed in fulfilling any of my resolutions since the start of the year, perhaps I should now review my resolutions for this new chinese new year:

1. Stay focused and productive at work
2. Hit the gym at least twice a week
3. Lose more weight, healthily!
4. read one book per month
5. Be nice to my family =)

more to add, can't think of any now..