Monday, October 24, 2005


I guess I'm getting less and less confident of my academic ability... Is engineering really not for me or am I just not working hard enough? sometimes I would look back and saw how well I used to do but that kind of skill seems to elude me nowadays... Exams is coming like really soon but I don't seem to be able to apply the concepts well enough yet. what has happened to me? Zj tried to console me and be there for me whenever he can but I know I have to work this out myself. And it doesn't help that I kept entertaining the thought of changing my course. I simply feel so lost... Je suis perdue... Nowadays all the modules that I like are actually from courses out of engineering. How ironic... hai... I hope this is just transient and that through the struggles, there emerge a stronger me. But it's hard battling all the negative thoughts all day long... sighz... for every day is a tougher battle :(