Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cyst woes

No that this topic is really important but I must declare my battle with cysts these few years. Not sure if it has been a result of my obsession with eye cream earlier, using Mac eye recovery cream and Estee Lauder rich eye repair too near the eyes, thus causing overactive oil glands. But come to think of it, it could be true... to make the eye area more moist, it will make sense to make the oil glands secrete more oil right? sheesh... major mistake

right now, I have undergone 4 eyelids surgery before, 2 on left and 2 on right. each time the swell was huge and the pus was imaginably overflowing... I wonder if I can finally say goodbye to cysts!
a few changes I am introducing to ensure that history doesn't repeat itself

1. eat more fruits and drink more water
2. avoid fried foods! some forum writers said that oil from those stuff can accumulate in the lids.. yuck
3. clean my eyelids with eyelid products daily
4. avoid eye makeup (so sad, no more mascara...)
5. sleep early ( really hard to accomplish)

wish me luck!