Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Getting into the mugging mood again

I'm so proud of myself today... I actually almost mugged continously from 9am to 10.30pm today! hahaha... of course i still take time off to shower and eat but being able to sit down for so many hours is a real accomplishment for me haha... dunno why as i grow older, my attention span gets shorter...

anyway, i realise that even as the going gets tough, by just telling yourself you can do it and you have to do it, determination and perseverance will take over... I was really falling asleep at two o'clock, having only completed writing out the list of chemical reactions (which covers two pages) and the dilemma of quitting or fighting on confronted me... Somehow, i just had this resolve to toil on and even went to the macdonalds downstairs my house so i can concentrate. But unfortunately, i still could not escape the noisy environment cos they're repairing the ceilings in macs... but since i was there already, i decided to stay on and go thru all the difficult chemical reactions...

3 hours later... i became familiar with most of the rxns! to think i even wanted to give up mugging for chem... by ten today, i finished all the past yr exam papers and i am pretty sure with the difficult rxns... that feeling of relief is simply incredible... and not to mention the feeling of confidence...

i told my dad that i wanted to give up today and all he has to do was to remind me of how hard i had worked in the past. why give up now? why let the past efforts go to waste? I must continue to fight, as the end is near... i can almost taste the sweetness of success :) just three more papers to go!

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