Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Post elections

After a gruelling week of campaigning, interviewing and vote fighting, the sea is finally calm again. As I expected, I got the position of vice president of the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Student Society. Wanted so much to get presidential position tat I was still calling pple up when I supposed to sleep and recover from my week-old flu. The flu virus attack was so untimely! came at a time when i need most of my energy to pull me thru all these.... Maybe all these is meant to be.. haha i dun mind being the vice pres la... now all i hope is to do my job well and serve my peers with all i can do... :)

At least i got into the second NOC interview! If I pass this interview, US here I come! gonna leave around next august to study in UPenn hhaha will be half working and half working my way to a minor in technopreneurship for a year.... tat'll be like a dream come thru... the best thing is that i'll be paid so i wun be a burden to my parents :) something to look forward to for now...

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