Sunday, January 15, 2006

I am so bored...

Boredom, jadedness, dullness, lethargy, restlessness... and the list goes on... all that describes my mood for the whole day! i woke up at 9am to sweep my house and it's so filthy! During my absence of one week, no one bothers to sweep the floor... i cant believe this man.. yucks totally gross! the hse was more or less transformed by the time my tuition student jie hui comes.. phew.. and the tuition went on for the next 2 hr before i ate noodles for lunch... even my appetite is affected by my boredom cos i was practically full but jus forced myself to swallow half of what's there... help me... after lunch, i felt very sleepy but managed to read the newspapers and sort out some stuff on the net before i fell into a slumber for abt an hour... but by the time woke up in an optimistic mood, my dear sister refused to go with me to bugis! i'm so sad... so i was so free, i went to mark all my tuition hw and prepared next week's tuition work... not to mentioned that i did my maths tutorial too!!! hahah boredom's killing me... maybe i shud go do another maths tut hahah haiz.... nvm sch starts tmr and zj will be back in a week! i miss him so much... life's dull without him :) cant wait for him to return...

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