Saturday, January 29, 2005

ArMy 123

hey i'm back in one piece, after three weeks of non-stop torture! it's not that bad actually, what with the admin time getting longer day after day... but sadly, i supposed the reprimands from my instructors will never cease, and so are the "knock it down" punishments... nvm what doesn't kill me will make me stronger :)

my captain told me that the stuff we are exposed to now are under the restricted category so i really have no idea what i can include here... all i can say is that the physical trainings are varied, ranging from circuit to taewondo... personally, i prefer combat training the best, a combination of taewondo, akido and karate... bad guys out there watch out!haha... maybe soon i can try sparring with zj haha jus kidding he probably knock me out

most saliently, i learnt tons from the short 3 weeks inside, such as friendships, teamwork, self confidence and so much more... giving of my best, quick thinking all these will go a long way here i realised... even something insignificant like bunk cleaning has its intrinsic value :) u can say army has brought out the philosophical side of me

it had been an eye opening experience to learn from and interact with grads and people older than me... even though singapore priorities paper credits, i realise that nothing beats experience sometimes...

however, there'll be days when i really feel like throwing in the towel and walk away... could even visualise myself doing it... but my optimism and persevere will finally win over... i must think strong and be strong now... nothing can break me :)

apart from army, i realise i really miss my frens and my family... my sister is sick yet i cant attend to her... then my bf is damn bored and i cant be with him... frens have been asking me when i'm booking out but my time is so limited... sighz i need "splitting trick" man all i hope now is that time will fly and 11 mar comes soon :)

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